Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Did da Vinci deserve the title of a genius?

Leonardo da Vinci holds the title as one of the four titans of art. He is considered a genius and his art rivals that even of today. Many believe it and it is pretty much true. Giorgio Vasari wrote Leonardo's biography and truly showed da Vinci's genious, "so great was his genius, and such its growth, that to whatever difficulties he turned his mind, he solved them with ease." (Vasari) A genius, according to, is an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music. Leonardo had a vast capacity of intellect that did not only apply to art. He studied mathematics, music, and many different aspects of art. Leonardo studied art from the inside out, he even went to the extent of dissecting human bodies at night so he could understand how and why the human body looks the way it does. His body sketches are even used in medical books today. Leonardo was a genius and worked very hard to achieve that title. His passion for learning new things is what makes him a genius in many ways.

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