Thursday, January 28, 2010

Concept of History I agree with

The concept of history that I agree with the most would have to be the concept that Georg Hegel created. His Concept was that of the fact that events take place and together result in something. The result plus another event results in a new result and so on.

Confused? Well look at it this way, a fire happens. That would be classified as an event and a result. How is it a result? Well, the fire was the result of someone leaving the gas on in their home and leaving a candle burning. How is it an event? The fire burns the house down which results in the person who owns the home to be homeless for awhile.

Real life is just a series of events and their results. Think about it, just waking up is the result of a series of events and will result in another series of events. Look at major events in history such as assassinations, wars, and treaties. All of these were the results of someone's opinion or action and then resulted in major changes in history.

Although the other arguments for how time works are good, I side with Hegel's concept because it is clear in our everyday lives, and can be proven.

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