Monday, January 25, 2010

Significance of Agriculture and Megaliths

Significance of Agriculture

In the period from 8000 to 2000 B.C. in agriculture grew in Central and Western Europe. Crops such as wheat and barley, that where prominent in the west, moved West across Europe. Crops like these can be called cereal crops and are necessary for development. The people also advanced in technology for farming the crops. The ox-drawn plow made farming easier and faster for farmers. The use of linear pottery made storing crops and transporting them easier.

Significance of Megaliths

A Megalith is a large stone used to make a structure or some sort of monument. Megaliths can be used for structures or monuments alone, or together with other megaliths. Megalithsare generally include tombs and circular standing structures.

The origin of Megaliths is unknown, the point of them is for burial and religious reasons. Also they are believed to have been used for observing the sun and other celestial things. Some famous examples of Megaliths are Stonehenge and the Easter Island heads.

There are two different types of Megaliths, Menhirs and Dolmens. Dolmens are chamber tombs and are for the dead or temples of the dead and can have hallways to different parts of the tomb. Menhirs are standing stones that normally form a circular shape and have a ditch dug around the outside of them. Megaliths were important because they were a part of the culture of Western and Central Europe during 8000 to 2000 B.C

citation: "Stone Henge front half." Wikimedia commons. Web. 28 Jan 2010. .

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