Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Notes for class Middle Ages key events

  • 1066- Battle of Hastings Godwinson is defeated Normans buld castles
  • 1087 King William Rufus invades Wales and builds castles on the borders
  • 1099- first crusades: Jerusalem is taken from the Muslims after the urging of Pope Urban the second
  • 1118- knights Templar founded to protect Jerusalem and European pilgrims on their journey to the city
  • 1147- second Crusade
  • 1158- Hanseatic league is founded
  • 1184- inquisitions begin (convert Jews and find heretics)
  • 1190- third crusade - muslims recapture the Holy City
  • 1200- fourth crusade: In Constantinople
  • 1212- children's crusade
  • 1213-1215: Baron's of England revolt
  • 1215- Magna Carta is signed
  • forced King John to know that the monarch was not above the law
  • 1216- starts King Henry III
  • 1272- Reign of king Edward
  • 1274- Thomas Aquinas' work, Summa Theologiae is published
  • 1295- Marco Polo publishes his tales of china
  • 1307- Knights Templar are rounded up and murdered by Philip of France by backing of Pope because they felt they were becoming to powerful.
  • 1311-1315- Great Famine
  • 1337- Hundreds years war starts
  • broken into three parts
  • Edwardian war (1337-1360)
  • Caroline War (1369-1389)
  • Lancastrian War (1415-1429)
  • 1347- Black Death ravages Europe for the first of many times
  • 1280- Chaucer begins to write the Canterbury Tales
  • 1381- Peasants revolt
  • 1383: Bible is translated into English
  • 1430- Joan arc is captured, put on trial, and executed
  • 14340 Medici family rises to prominence in Florence, they head the journey to the Renaissance

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