Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Submission for Class blog

Human beings are meant to be free. It is just not human beings, but all organisms seem to gravitate towards freedom. Even putting an insect into a jar will result in the insect attempting to try to get out somehow. There are different forces that act on a human being's instinct to be free. Such as free will. The many circumstances of bondage in history have shown that freedom is the driving force of those in bondage to break free. Human beings have an innate instinct to be free.
"Free or agency, refers to the ability of humans to make genuinely free choices"(Wikipedia). The concept of free will shows that humans are independent beings when it comes to making choices. What person would like to have all of their rights taken away under any circumstances? In the medieval times slavery and human trafficking was big. Men, women, and children would be sold by even their own family to work for others. Once they were sold there was a very low chance that their own children would be able to move up in life. Even if a person was used to slavery, that doesn't mean they were okay with it.
Everyone's own freedom is different because what freedom is is based on what a person wants.
Human beings are way ahead of other organisms in the world when it comes to their instincts. Human beings are born with the want to be free and make their own choices. "What separates homo sapiens from the rest of the animal kingdom is free will."(A.G). In medieval times a serf, or servant, had to ask their Lord if they could get married or not. The serfs were tied to the land and their "owners". Under such circumstances there were runaways, and because the Lords and other serf owners had the law on their side, they could do what they wanted with runaway serfs.
Human beings want to be free and it is just something they are born with. From the time a child is born they make their own choices, whether or not the decisions happen is another case.

Sanchez, Scott. Police_handcuffs.jpg. Digital image. Commons.wikimedia.org. Wikipedia. Web. 15 Apr. 2010. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/Police_handcuffs.jpg

A.G. "Freewill - Associated Content - Topic - Associatedcontent.com." Associated Content - Associatedcontent.com. Associated Content. Web. 15 Apr. 2010. .
"Human Nature." Wikipedia. 6 Apr. 2010. Web. 15 Apr. 2010. .

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